SFCH 2.0 Episode 3: Pen15 and Diva Worship

Hey guys! Today, after a public service announcement about the dangers of drinking too much apple juice,  we go DEEP into pregaming some IMPORTANT true crime, a couple new cool podcasts, Amanda’s favorite movie of the year, drag race recapping, and our new favorite show ever: Pen15. WE NEED TO MAKE THIS SHOW SUCCESSFUL!!! Enjoy!


An EXTRA special shout out to our OFFICIAL VIP Squirrel Friends who are keeping the lights on at SFCH productions.

Andre Platts, Molly Harrington, Mitch & Cheeeps, Rosie Wallis, Luke Stammen, Zee Machine, Arturo Esteve, Michael Cannon, Lochary Skidmore, Sharonda, Jonathan Hradecky, Liam Campbell, Meredith McFarland, Lisa M. Law, Cole Coker, Zoe Underwood, Chris Cousi, Zoe Kassay, Nirvana Searle, Zach Day, Tom Cornell, Gigi Griffith, Chris Bockiaro, Mia Mazza, Cameron Bennett, Michael Sargent, Samantha Killingsworth, Tincandan, Cathy, Scott Lusk, Bobby Beus, Cheyenne, Carey Warren, John, Kristen Ortiz, Katherine Huther, Alison Hogarth, Meredith Wallace,  Chad Staral, Matt Seta, Kevin, Ty Mesh, and Sydney Brooke!

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