Bonus Episode: “Sex and the City 2 recap” (part 2)

We pick up our recap with the girls in Abu Dhabi for some unknown reason. Carrie buys some hideous shoes, Charlotte confesses to hating her children, Samantha has yams on her face (because women going through “the change” is SLAPSTICK comedy) and Miranda is just on cocaine the entire time. Also…KARAOKE. Enjoy our pain in exploring the second half of this appalling piece of movie garbage.

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Bonus Episode: “Sex and the City 2 recap” (part one)

In our waiting period before the launch of All Stars 2, we are making you suffer through one of the worst things to happen to American Cinema: Sex and the City 2 (the bad one).  We like to think of this movie as simply a fever dream; a night terror if you will, in the grand scheme of an otherwise amazing television series. We had a terrible time watching this thing, but we hope you have a better time listening to us rant about it. We do this out of love. Part 2 will be released tomorrow morning. Enjoy!


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Season 2: Episode 12 “Reunion!!!”

“Raven has decided to blossom….verbally.”

On today’s episode we are joined by a returning Squirrel Friend, Zoe Kassay! She has a lot of T to spill….unfortunately she couldn’t figure out how to manage her audio but we are NOT going to give her an eye roll about it because that is just how special she is to our podcast okurrr???  Seriously, your ear will get used to her echo effect in minutes, so grab a cocktail, relax, and let our sweet sweet voices take over your world for a couple hours 🙂

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