Season 2: Episode 9 “Diva Awards”

Now that the annoying hellos are over with and Amanda declares she doesn’t sing for free anymore, her and Nick end up singing more times during this episode than evaaaaaa. The BIZ-ness segment today actually includes information about Drag Race, including some rumors and possible spoilers from Nick, who just loves to ruin everything.  A listener challenges the co-hosts to a fun task for next week, and Nick tries to sell Amanda on the idea that Snooki’s kids are cute. It doesn’t end well for him. Either way, it is an episode full of life and laughter and DIVVVVAAAAS!!

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Season : Episode 8 “Golden Gals”

“Don’t hold back…because this is your MOMMA we talkin’ about!”

On this episode Amanda and Nick discuss “Golden Gals’, where the queens are paired up with an older gay gentleman to make over into their drag mama. Amanda talks about her number one disgusting dream coming true, and Nick drops a bombshell on Amanda at the end of the episode which completely backfires on him. Enjoy!

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Season 2: Episode 7 “Once Upon a Queen”

Today’s episode is jam packed with fun, toilet humor and KNOWLEDGE. Amanda tells a “tail” of a new temporary family member, we follow up on that “Made” episode, and Nick and Amanda discuss their favorite potty words/sexual deeds.

We are also excited to announce and promote our very first podcast Squirrel Friend: “Lettuce Ketchup: A Bob’s Burger’s Podcast” Us podcasts have to stick togethaaaaa

This episode will fill you with joy, life, and ACAI! ENJOY!




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